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You Are Here: Discontinued Tights Stockings Hold Ups - Trasparenze - Trasparenze Cleopatra Hold Ups
Trasparenze Cleopatra Hold Ups
Trasparenze Cleopatra Hold Ups
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Veni, vidi, vici.... she came, she saw and she conquered!
We all know that this saying was really about Ceasor but nevertheless, I think Cleopatra did just the same thing when she won his love, not to mention, going on to win the love of Mark Anthony too! I can't promise that you'll conquer any empires but I know you'll certainly knock your man dead with these gorgeous hold ups from Trasparenze.
Pin strip leg going to mid thigh, then a beautiful boarder in red and lavender florals. A cosmetic band between this and the flat carefully criss crossed patterned top that lies so neat against your skin, and there you have it, the ability to make men fall at your feet and want to give you the earth  :-)


* Pin striped
* Flat top
* Highly fashionable
* 85% Polyamide
* 15% Elastane

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